Once your order has been placed, you will no longer be able to modify it, it will be shipped and cannot be cancelled. It is possible that the different items of an order arrive separately. However, you will only pay shipping costs once.
Additionally, customs fees may be added for international purchases. There are also sometimes customs fees for purchases in Canada and the United States, which are determined according to customs regulations, for example, the weight, size or price of the order. Customs charges are the responsibility of the buyer.
Delivery to Canada and the United States takes approximately 3-9 business days, however delays are possible during busy periods. International delivery takes approximately 15 business days, but delays are possible. Delivery times are approximate and are not guaranteed. Weather conditions, general inventory shortages or peak periods can lengthen delivery times.
If the customer makes a mistake in his address and the package gets lost, Selfly Clothing cannot do anything to compensate.
When you buy on our website, we will ask you to provide information including your name, billing address, delivery address, email address, telephone number and payment details (credit card). This information will be used to send your order information, respond to your requests, including refunds and complaints, process payments and prevent fraud. We undertake to comply with any legal obligation.
Only the owner of the company has access to the information that you provide to us and undertakes, under no circumstances, to share it or make it public.